CSR Approach
- Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
- Contribution through Our Business
- Contributions to the local community
- Development of Globally-Competent Human Resources
- Toward Environmental Conservation
- CSR Report
- Anti-bribery Policy
Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
When NAMICS seeks our healthy and continuous growth, we expect each one of us to decide our course of action upholding social responsibility. We value and fully practice our CSR strategy in all corporate activities: environmental conservation; global supply system; corporate compliance; and ethical conduct. We are committed to continuing to align our business with CSR and improve our CSR strategy through periodic reviews.
Message from Our President
As NAMICS seeks growth, our corporate philosophy “Mutual prosperity to both nature and humankind through creativity, innovation, and sensitivity” and our fundamental management principle “Create value for the future ~Only One and Number One Company~” act together as the essential tools which provide our sense of direction.
The company also updates our mid-term business plan every 3 years to enable us to act promptly to respond to possible changes both in the market environment and in internal aspects.
We believe that social responsibility means that we grow continuously and robustly upholding our corporate values. We share a clear and persistent sense of direction and maintain a course which represents our fundamental business objective, while always being ready to respond to change.
Furthermore, our responsibility includes our continuous efforts toward the improvement of our CSR strategy by carefully evaluating the target areas, goals, and framework in a timely manner.
The major communication tool, like Smartphones have become the social infrastructure of our times. Our advanced materials, providing robustness even under severe conditions, are chosen for the automotive field to mount sensors and other various electronic components to enhance the safety of the vehicle. NAMICS also contributes to achieving power-saving, energy-saving, miniaturization, and improved performance by providing highly functional products.
As the electro-chemical market expands, NAMICS contributes to enhanced safety and environmentally-friendly solutions in the automotive market. In the area of energy, we provide solutions to the issues of finite resources and environmental conservation. However, there are many issues still remaining to be solved in the world, such as environmental conservation and protecting human rights, before we can create a sustainable society.
NAMICS has addressed the global issue of conflict-minerals from an early stage in compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct.
In order to respond to overseas business development, we focus on globally-competent human resource development. Respecting people’s diverse backgrounds and values, we share our corporate philosophy and sense of direction through personnel exchanges between our Japanese and overseas hub sites. We carry out various initiatives to further grow as an established real global corporation to better serve society with the best value.
For example, through hosting regular web/phone meetings and other forms of interaction, we exchange information regularly with overseas offices. We also provide language training designed for business communication to proactively support our people in order to expand their horizons and develop their confidence in conducting global business.
Furthermore, the company identified that maintaining a globally stable and continuous product supply is one of our major challenges. In order to demonstrate our stable product supply even in disasters or other emergency situations, we have expanded and improved our overseas production hubs. We conduct our business uniformly based on our common corporate philosophy and fundamental management principles throughout the entire corporation in all regions and countries where we operate.
At the same time, we also consider and manage risks to a stable product supply. Among them, we especially evaluate and identify the risks that can interrupt production and regularly review and report on them during structured management meetings. Additionally, in order to respond to our customers and provide social trust, we are strengthening our business continuity management in conjunction with the overseas production hubs through training on a regular basis.
Even though approximately 80% of NAMICS’ sales are derived from the overseas, we value sustainable and mutual growth together with the local communities where we actually operate. We have actively engaged in community-based activities that contribute to society, offering support both materially and morally. Hosting a youth development program, actively participating in local traditional events, and sponsoring local professional sports teams are just some examples.
Most importantly, we aspire to social development which enhances mutual prosperity in the local community through our sound and stable business activities.
We are determined to contribute to benefits for the whole society through our business activities and products, and to carry out initiatives in Niigata and all other communities where we operate, whereby we pursue the greater trust and support of the community.
Social Contribution through Our Business
- Stably supplying products and services which provide social benefit with full consideration of quality, safety, and environmental impact.
- Expanding business in a way that leads to community development by respecting local and global business traditions and practices.
- Establishing corporate governance in full compliance with the relevant regulations and company policies.
- Maintaining sound and good relationships with political and municipal authorities, the public, and other concerned organizations through equal, free competition, and business activities.
- Maintaining corporate transparency through appropriate disclosure of corporate information and lawful management of individual and customer information.
Fundamental Principle of Human Rights
- Respecting human rights in all human beings and strictly prohibiting any actions and behaviors which damage any human beings’ dignity, including discrimination based on one’s nationality
- Creating a safe and clean working environment that allows our people to demonstrate their maximum ability.
Contribution through Our Business
NAMICS contributes to social development by stably supplying socially-beneficial products and services while taking full consideration of quality, safety, and environmental impact. We expand our business in a way of that leads to community development by respecting local and global business traditions and practices.
At NAMICS, we focus on developing environmentally-friendly products such as lead-free products which mitigate the use of environment-hazardous lead, long-life products which reduce waste, and RoHS compliant products which contain no harmful materials. For example, we are putting our efforts into the development of solar battery electrode materials for solar cells, to achieve higher efficiency at lower cost.

The whole production process, from receiving raw materials to shipping products, is strictly controlled by the latest system. Thus, we demonstrate our stable supply of highly reliable products with minimal quality variance. We also put our efforts toward developing new technologies by best utilizing our two core technologies of material (insulating and conductive) and process (composition and dispersion) technologies, along with simulation technology (material and structural analyses) in our research and development facility with the latest equipment and devices. Thus, we contribute to safe and environmentally-friendly product development.
NAMICS is striving for environmental conservation and to establish a global supply system so that even in emergency situations such as a disaster, we are able to maintain our sustainable product supply. We are expanding and improving our overseas production base to allow us to flexibly respond to the changing environment. We ensure our new production facilities are designed to deliver high production efficiency. At the same time, NAMICS will carry out our operations with respect for business traditions and practices in the local community, whereby we pursue mutual success with the community and our contribution to social development.
Contributions to the local community
We are promoting various initiatives with the aim of coexistence and co-prosperity with the local community at each of our locations, including Niigata where we were founded.
Community: Neighborhood cleanup activities

As part of the “Beautification activities for the premises and the surrounding environment,” a total of 310 people from the Head Office, NAMICS Techno Core, and the Tsukioka Plant participated in a “Clean-up operation”.
When we actually cleaned up, we were able to collect a lot of garbage, including things hidden in the trees and plants, and all the participants recognized the importance of environmental beautification activities.
As a member of the community we will continue to promote activities that contribute to the creation of beautiful cities and the environment.
Culture: Sponsorship of “Orchestra is your friend”

We are co-sponsoring the art and cultural experience project for children, “Orchestra is your friend”, sponsored by Niigata City. We support the creation of opportunities to foster rich sensitivity and creativity through the enjoyment of music and the splendor of cultural arts for children who will lead the next generation.
Kids Science Festival

Every year, NAMICS sponsors and takes part in the annual Kids Science Festival for nurturing children’s interest and curiosity in science. We offered hands-on projects through science experiments for children in the event. Participating children were all excited to experience changing states of materials: mixing certain kinds of liquid making gel; heat shrinking a plastic plate into a smaller piece; and ultra-violet light changing liquid into solid. This is a part of our continuous efforts toward the development of local youth. We are determined, through such hands-on science activities, to inspire interest and curiosity in science in local youth, contributing to the development of creative minds who will lead the next-generation society.
Medical: Contribution to emergency medical services in the United States

Highly mobile air ambulance helicopters are indispensable for medical care transportation in the United States which has a vast land area. We own five US air ambulance helicopters and lease them to “REACH” which operates an air medical care transportation service in the United States.
Our Five helicopters support a life-saving medical service on the west coast of the United States, mainly in California and Oregon.
Childcare Support: In-House Nursery School
NAMICS CORPORATION opened an in-house nursery school, “Ebigase Nursery School AMIC”, at Ebigase Higashi-ku, Niigata-City on April 1, 2016.
The school has been operating as a “Regional Childcare Business” based on the “Parenting Support Package”.
We contribute to the community by allocating a part of the capacity of the school to local non-emplyees’ children.
We encourage the development of self-initiative, cooperativeness, and communication, while promoting bright healthy growth in order to eventually create the full joy of attending school such as ” I want to go to school to play every day”.

Promoting Sports:We proudly support the local professional sports team, Albirex!
We contribute to promoting sports by supporting the local professional sports team, Albirex.
Local Professional Soccer Team
Albirex Niigata
Uniform Sponsor
Ladies’ official sponsor
Local Professional Baseball Team
Niigata Albirex Baseball Club
Official Sponsor
Niigata Albirex BB
Official sponsor
Niigata Albirex BB Rabbits
Official sponsor
Through the local sports promotion, we engage in local youth development programs to foster the importance of having a dream and a goal to achieve, to nurture the value of continuous effort, and to inspire the spirit of fair play as a development of children for the next generation.

Development of Globally-Competent Human Resources
With approximately 80% of NAMICS’ sales derived from overseas, global business responses are becoming essential business activities for us. Our goals are to continuously provide value-added products, to further win the trust of our global customers, and to establish mutual success based on “harmonious coexistence between nature and humankind”.
The company believes that development of globally-competent human resources is the key to better serve our global customers as we expand globally. We support our people to further enhance their capability in global responses and to develop their sense of global perspective by strategically transferring or sending them to our overseas hub sites. We also provide language learning opportunities for our people such as study abroad and short-term seminars as a part of the globalization program. Thus, we are putting our efforts into improving our foreign language proficiency to respond to the rapid expansion of globalization.
We continuously focus on developing a framework which allows equal and necessary learning opportunities for our people in and outside of Japan while enhancing personnel exchanges between overseas hub sites.
NAMICS provides opportunities and an environment at all of our sites across the globe where our all employees can take pride in being part of the NAMICS team and take initiative to achieve higher goals both as an individual and a team.
Structure of Human Resources Development
Correlation Diagram of Human Resource Development Program
Development System for Globally-Competent Human Resources
Toward Environmental Conservation
NAMICS acquired ISO14001 certification in November 2003 with successful implementation of an environment management system for a structural approach to environmental activities. We will continue to proactively put our efforts into environmental conservation activities such as an efficient utilization of finite fuel resources and prevention of global warming through reduction of CO2 emissions, demonstrating that we are a company friendly to people as well as to the global environment.
Reuse of Waste Resources
We are putting our efforts into a reduction and a reuse of waste resources. Waste plastics, for example, are recycled after an incineration treatment as roadbed materials. Waste solvent is thermally recycled. Thus, we are focusing on reusing waste resources to maintain a recycling rate over 99%.
Cinder after incineration
Recycled roadbed materials
Energy Efficiency
Glass surface film
The company strives for energy efficiency in daily usage by setting a guideline in addition to the annual target.
Some of our achievements in energy usage reduction include radiation reduction enabled by applying films on the glass surfaces, and a daily-energy-consumption-volume reduction from 432 Kw to 389 Kw by reducing indoor heat release and using inverters in two circulating fluid systems of pumps.
Green Procurement
The company purchases production materials with a small environmental load, including raw materials, containers, and packages, in order to provide environmentally-friendly products.
With the cooperation of our partner suppliers, in 2005 we conduct inspections for chemical substances contained in production materials according to the “NAMICS green purchasing standards” which set the internal criteria of chemical substances.
The demand to be compliant with the restriction of chemical substances contained in the products has been continuously increasing across the globe. To meet the demand, we continue to focus on maintaining and developing further reliable management of chemicals contained in products through constantly collecting the latest information.
Plant Facility Designed for Environmental Impact Reduction
Wastewater treatment facilities
NAMICS Group is committed to preventing any water contamination occurrence in public water areas. Waste water is strictly controlled and treated in a waste water treatment facility. We are fully compliant with the related laws and regulations. The waste water treatment facility is regularly inspected and fixed whenever necessary, to ensure stable operation. Additionally, we monitor and test the water quality to comply with the effluent standards.
We also take the initiative with a focus on mitigating and preventing air pollution by monitoring each particulate concentration of Sox, Nox, and particulates in the mouth of exhaust ducts.
Environmental Training for Our People
Environmental training
We provide environmental education and trainings to all employees, aiming for sharing and raising awareness of our corporate philosophy and our mission for environmental conservation.
In addition to our basic and specialist trainings on the environment, the importance of managing chemical substances contained in the products is also taught based on the guidelines for the management of chemical substances in products.
The company also provides trainings to responsible personnel about risk assessment, safety, and handling of hazardous and toxic substances and organic solvents. We strive for maintaining and further improving a secure and safe working environment.
CSR Report
Anti-bribery Policy
The NAMICS Group (NAMICS Corporation including all of its subsidiaries and affiliates in various countries throughout the world; this term applies hereinafter), represents our policy of compliance in our “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Approach”.
Considering that enhanced prevention of bribery is desired worldwide, NAMICS Group hereby establishes this policy and shall make every effort to prevent bribery on the basis of this policy in order to further maintain and develop the trust of the people in the societies of Japan and all of the other countries and areas where group companies are doing business.
NAMICS Group shall comply with the laws and regulations related to bribery prevention (※1)and apply to them in all countries or areas. We shall prohibit the giving of money or other favors(※2) that invite suspicion and the distrust of society.
NAMICS Group, including its officers and employees shall comply with following:
- NAMICS Group shall not utilize any corruption, such as bribery, favors or obstructing justice.
- NAMICS Group shall gain a thorough understanding of the law and shall not give money or other favors which invite suspicion and the distrust of society to public officials in or out of Japan including any equivalent persons(※3).
- Regarding entertaining and gift giving with a client, NAMICS Group shall not give or receive anything that deviates from social common sense or healthy practices.
- NAMICS Group personnel shall not take advantage of their position and authority in the company to demand any private benefit from a client or others.
※1:”Laws and Regulations Related to Bribery Prevention” (examples are listed below)
Japan: National Public Service Ethics Act, Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Article18)
U.S: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
U.K.: UK Bribery Act 2010
Other: The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
※2:“Money or other favors”
Economic benefits or anything that satisfies a person’s demand or desire.
※3:”Public officials including any equivalent persons”
National public officers, local public officers, those engaged in public duties of international organizations, those engaged in public duties by law, officers and employees of any company that is substantially controlled by the government or local governments, and those similar to entities shown before.