SDGs Approach
What do we do for SDGs?
Our company name was changed to “NAMICS” in 1996. This signifies coexistence and mutual prosperity between nature and humans as well as sensitivity, innovation and creativity that is indispensable for enabling mutual prosperity.
Our company policy, “Mutual prosperity to both nature and mankind through creativity, innovation and sensitivity” resonates with the current global initiatives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In another words, one of our goals is realizing sustainable societies.
NAMICS has been and will continue fulfilling our roles and responsibilities to make the world better and more sustainable.

Workplace Safety
We undertake various occupational safety and health activities, focusing on prevention and management, based on our CSR Basic Policy “Creating a safe and clean working environment that allows our people to demonstrate their maximum ability”.

- Conduct Health & Safety inspections to prevent occupational accidents.
- Implementing improved education and training, as required by laws and regulations, by the occupational health and safety team from our General Affairs Group.
Reduction of Environmental Impact for Sustainability
At NAMICS, our management philosophy is “mutual prosperity” based on the concept of “harmonious coexistence between nature and people.” Our name, “NAMICS,” is an acronym of the first letters of the ideas underlying the corporate activities which contribute to such mutual prosperity.
One method of giving shape to our philosophy was the construction of an environment management system which obtained ISO14001 accreditation in November, 2003. We are also involved in a wide range of other activities.

- The environmental policies being worked toward harmonious coexistence and mutual prosperity in all relationships including those between society, or art, and nature.
- Obtained certificates under ISO14001, ISO9001 and IATF 16949:2016 for the quality management system.
- Providing environmental education and training for all employees, aiming to share and raise awareness of our corporate philosophy and our mission for environmental conservation.
- Environmental protection, including reducing emissions and waste generated in the manufacturing process, and recycling resources.
- Prevention of water pollution by utilizing a waste water treatment facility.
- Prevention of global warming by establishing targets each fiscal year and implementing energy-saving guidelines.
- Control of chemical substances in products in accordance with the guidelines advocated by JAMP (Joint Article Management Promotion-consortium).
- Environmentally friendly product development, including lead-free products, durable long-life products to reduce waste and RoHS-compliant products which do not use hazardous ingredients.
- Established “green” purchasing standards in an effort to select supplies, including raw materials used in production, containers and packaging materials, and purchased articles, which have a low environmental impact in order to provide environmentally friendly products.
Building the Reliable Value Chain for Our Customers
NAMICS Group considers building the value chain of Purchasing, Production and Sales an important issue for customer confidence. In order to earn the customer trust that NAMICS seeks, it is necessary not only to manufacture our products but also to build a reliable value chain.
Based on our company philosophy, “Mutual prosperity to both Nature and Mankind through Creativity, Innovation and Sensitivity”, our sales offices are promptly aware of our customer needs, then sharing the information and expanding sales activities through NAMICS’ global network.
Regarding production activities, we have several factories including our overseas factories in consideration of BCP.
In purchasing we have established our worldwide “material procurement policy”. We proactively promote efforts to comply with the social standards in our partners’ countries as well as Japanese standards and to also carry out our social responsibilities such as environmental preservation.Through these initiatives we build solid partnerships and aim for mutual prosperity based on a trusting relationship.

NAMICS’ Material Purchasing Policy
- Procurement of Best Possible Materials
We carefully select our partners and carry out our business with them according to our rational and clear standards regarding quality control, price, stability of supply, company reliability, environmental conservation, and non-use of conflict minerals. - Striving for Fair Procurement at the Most Reasonable Price
In principle, we compare and evaluate quotes from multiple partners to ensure a fair partners fairly and as equals. - Promoting Green Procurement
We promote green procurement with consideration for natural resource protection and environmental conservation. - Compliance
We strictly comply with the social standards in our partners’ countries. - Confidentiality
We strictly maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from our partners in the procurement process. - Respect for Human Rights, Occupational Health & Safety
We respect basic human rights in our partners’ business and endeavor to ensure occupational safety and health.
Respect for Human Rights, Legal Compliance, Diversity, Promotion of Human Resource Training and Retention

- Respecting the human rights of all employees and strict compliance with laws and regulations based on international labor standards established by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the labor laws and regulations of each country.
- Implemented a personnel and labor audit at our overseas companies by the headquarters General Affairs Group in order to develop structure and rules regarding personnel and labor relations, and to maintain personnel and labor management as a group enterprise.
- Human resource development and retention with the goal of continuously providing value-added products, further winning the trust of our global customers, and establishing mutual success.
- Establishment of an in-house nursery school to contribute to employee retention and to the community by allocating part of the capacity of the school to local nonemployees’ children.
Investment in Social Capital

- Promotion of regional, cultural, medical, sports, and other initiatives with the aim of coexistence and co-prosperity with the local community at each of our locations, including Niigata where we were founded.
- Investment in social capital at the workplace, including a company canteen to promote workplace communication that is the foundation of organizational capability and teamwork.
- The development of the younger generation who will be responsible for the future development of science and technology, including sponsoring and taking part in the annual Kids Science Festival for nurturing children’s interest and curiosity in science.